Calculation system

All properties of matter are originating in collective interactions between atoms and electrons. We measure these properties in our experiments. However, it is not always easy to interpret the meaning of experimental data. So, to better understand the nature of the materials and explain experimental results it is important to be able to model the material using quantum mechanics. This became possible in recent years thanks to computational power of modern computers and new methods of calculations. In our lab we use ab initio density functional theory (DFT) and DFT based tight-binding (DFTB) calculations to model the systems we study, optimize their atomic structure, and calculate their electronic properties. We use a powerful custom PC with i7 6 CPU cores (12 threads) and 32 GB RAM running Vienna Ab Initio Simulation (VASP) package as well as other specific software and hope to get access to Kyushu University supercomputer center. (Anton)